Moab Coworking Space
*Please visit https://moabcity.app.proximity.space/ for the most up-to-date information about the Moab Coworking Space. Revenue from the Moab Coworking Space supports local arts programming.
Horario y ubicación
23 jul 2021, 11:24 a.m. – 3:24 p.m.
Moab Arts, 111 East 100 North, Moab, UT, USA
Acerca del evento
Community work space for locals & visitors alike.
A small co-working space in Moab’s downtown. One block from Main Street, this space is centrally located in the Moab Arts & Recreation Center.
Day pass is for one (1) day. Day Access includes: Wifi access Printer Desk space + chair Power access Coffee machine Access to lounge area and kitchen Color printing and scanning, upon request.
10,00 US$Impuestos: +0,40 US$ ProcessingComisión de servicio: +0,26 US$Entradas agotadasMonthly Membership
Membership is for one (1) month. Membership includes: Wifi access Printer Desk space + chair Power access Coffee machine Access to lounge area and kitchen Color printing and scanning, upon request.
75,00 US$Impuestos: +3,00 US$ ProcessingComisión de servicio: +1,95 US$Entradas agotadas
Este evento está agotado